**Bold text**
**_Bold AND Italics_**
# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3
#### Header 4
##### Header 5
###### Header 6
Link: Click [here!]()
Image: ![alt text](https://encodeous.github.io/img/avatar-icon.png)
* Bullet Point
- Also a bullet Point
By entering 2 spaces before lines, I can preserve the formatting to exactly how I typed it!
** Careful, don't make these mistakes! **
`You can enter code`
Or even code blocks!
Console.WriteLine("You can also have fancy highlighted code!");
> An example of a quote
A random Table:
| Number | Next number |
|:------ |:-----------|
| 1 | Foo |
| 51 | Par |
| 151 | BOO |
{: .box-note}
Here is a Note!
{: .box-warning}
A WArNinG????
{: .box-error}
Arghh! Error!
Bold text Italics Bold AND Italics
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Header 4
Header 5
Header 6
Link: Click here!
- Bullet Point
Also a bullet Point
By entering 2 spaces before lines, I can preserve the formatting to exactly how I typed it!
** Careful, don’t make these mistakes! **
You can enter code
Or even code blocks!
Console.WriteLine("You can also have fancy highlighted code!");
An example of a quote
A random Table:
Number | Next number |
1 | Foo |
51 | Par |
151 | BOO |
Here is a Note!
A WArNinG????
Arghh! Error!